
Volume 15 Issue 1 2019


Marryam Shams
MS Scholar, Air University School of Management, Air University Islamabad.

Umer Iftikhar
Assistant Professor, Leadership and Management Studies Department, National Defence University Islamabad.

Ahtesham Ali Raja
M.Phil Scholar, Leadership and Management Studies Department, National Defence University Islamabad.

Abstract Being a technology-driven and triggered world, individuals need to remain virtually connected. But sometimes such virtual connections lead the individuals towards phubbing because of which relational satisfaction among the individuals has been lost. The purpose of our study is to analyze the impact of the individual attachment styles on relationship satisfaction by the mediating role of phubbing behavior. In light of Bowlby attachments styles, our study conceptualizes that secured individuals are contented with their surroundings hence phub less, and remain contended in their relationships. Whereas the insecurely attached individuals are the ones who phubbed more which ultimately leads them towards less relationship satisfaction. The present study is the first to conceptualize such a framework.
Keywords secure attachment, insecure attachment, phubbing behavior, relationship satisfaction
Year 2019
Volume 15
Issue 1
Type Research paper, manuscript, article
Recognized by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, HEC
Category "Y"
Journal Name IBT Journal of Business Studies
Publisher Name ILMA University
Jel Classification J52, K35
ISSN no (E, Electronic) 2409-6520
ISSN no (P, Print) 2416-8393
Country Pakistan
City Karachi
Institution Type University
Journal Type Open Access
Type of Review Double Blind Peer Reviewed
Format PDF
Paper Link
Page 161-169
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