
Volume 15 Issue 2 2019


Kaenat Malik
PAF KIET University.

Prof. Dr. Tariq Jalees
PAF KIET University.

Abstract In today’s competitive world, it has become difficult for organizations to manage and attract a talented workforce. Given this most firms are using employer branding strategies to attract and retain employees. Given its importance, we have developed a new conceptual framework that has five direct hypotheses and three indirect hypotheses. We have collected data from 400 faculty members of the leading business institutes of Karachi. The questionnaire was adapted from the earlier established scales. Smart PLS 3.2 was used for data analysis. This study found that it is important for firms to forego old HR practices and adopt employer branding. The HR manager in the present era is required to spend considerable time building the image of the firms by interacting with all the stakeholders of the firms. A strong brand image is not only attractive to new employees but also enhances the job satisfaction level of the existing employees. Employers' branding promotes a conducive environment due to which employees’ satisfaction level increases but they also develop a sustainable relationship with firms. Thus both the employees and employers benefit from it.
Keywords Employer branding, employee attraction, employee satisfaction, CSR and talent management.
Year 2019
Volume 15
Issue 2
Type Full Length Paper
Recognized by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, HEC
Category "Y"
Journal Name IBT Journal of Business Studies
Publisher Name ILMA University
Jel Classification E24, E27, M51
ISSN no (E, Electronic) 2409-6520
ISSN no (P, Print) 2416-8393
Country Pakistan
City Karachi
Institution Type University
Journal Type Open Access
Type of Review Double Blind Peer Reviewed
Format PDF
Paper Link
Page 75-94
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