Download Volume 13 Issue 1 2017 | |
Author(s): |
Athar Iqbal
Akhtiar Ali
Peter Xavier D’Abreo
Abstract | This research has been carried out to test empirically the application of the Fama and French three factor model on the Pakistan Stock Exchange covering forty listed companies using annual data from 1984 to 2012. The author selected excess return as a dependent variable and three independent variables market risk, size of the firm, and the book to the market value of the firms in the portfolio. To test the hypotheses, the author used the panel least square method. The result shows that all independent variables are significant and have signed as predicted by theoretical understanding. From our result, we interpret that the three factors model explains returns in its simplified form on the long term horizon better than a single-factor model like CAPM. The findings of the research paper suggest that developing economies like Pakistan investors and portfolio managers can better understand by applying multiple variable models and their modified form rather than only relying on the CAMP covariance sensitivity model. |
Keywords | Modern portfolio theory, excess return, risk and return, three factors |
Year | 2017 |
Volume | 13 |
Issue | 1 |
Type | Short Report |
Recognized by | Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, HEC | Category | "Y" | Journal Name | IBT Journal of Business Studies | Publisher Name | ILMA University | Jel Classification | G3, G11, G12, G20 | DOI | http://dx.doi.org/10.46745/ilma.jbs.2017.13.01.01 | ISSN no (E, Electronic) | 2409-6520 | ISSN no (P, Print) | 2416-8393 | Country | Pakistan | City | Karachi | Institution Type | University | Journal Type | Open Access | Type of Review | Double Blind Peer Reviewed | Format | Paper Link | http://ibtjbs.ilmauniversity.edu.pk/journal/jbs/13.1/1.pdf | Page | 1-11 | Reference | Banz, R. W. (1981). The relationship between return and market value of common stocks. Journal of financial economics, 9(1), 3-18. Baumol, W. J. (1963). An expected gain-confidence limit criterion for portfolio selection. Management science, 10(1), 174-182. . Beaulieu, M.-C., Marie Helene, G., & Khalaf, L. (2009). 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