Download Volume 15 Issue 1 2019 | |
Author(s): |
Asif Hussain Samo
Faris Mahar
Bushra Mahmood
Tooba yousuf
Uffaq Gul
Abstract | The study aimed at examining the effect of conflict management and ethical leadership on employee resilience and organizational commitment of the employees in the organizational setting of Pakistan. With a quantitative approach, a survey method was used. Data was collected on adopted instruments from 326 employees of private organizations through a questionnaire. Partial Least Squares structural equation modeling was used to diagnose the data and test hypotheses on Smart-PLS. Bootstrapping was also performed for data analysis. The results show that there is a positive effect of conflict management on employee resilience and organizational commitment. It was revealed that when leaders adopt an ethical leadership style, employees tend to be more resilient in their work and their commitment towards that organization enhances. The organization should bread better conflict management policies and cultivate ethical leadership to mitigate the turnover, retain their best talent and augment their resilient abilities to face hardships in this ever-changing world. |
Keywords | Ethical Leadership, Conflict Management, Employee Resilience |
Year | 2019 |
Volume | 15 |
Issue | 1 |
Type | Research paper, manuscript, article |
Recognized by | Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, HEC | Category | "Y" | Journal Name | IBT Journal of Business Studies | Publisher Name | ILMA University | Jel Classification | D74 | DOI | | ISSN no (E, Electronic) | 2409-6520 | ISSN no (P, Print) | 2416-8393 | Country | Pakistan | City | Karachi | Institution Type | University | Journal Type | Open Access | Type of Review | Double Blind Peer Reviewed | Format | Paper Link | | Page | 46-62 | References | Allen, N., & Meyer, J. (1996). Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the Organization: An Examination of Construct Validity. Journal of Vocational Behavior. https:// Ayoko, O. B., Callan, V. J., & Hartel, C. E. J. (2003). Workplace conflict, bullying, and counterproductive behaviors. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. https://doi. org/10.1108/eb028976. Babalola, M. T., Stouten, J., Euwema, M. C., & Ovadje, F. (2018). 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