Download Volume 15 Issue 1 2019 | |
Author(s): |
Faryal Razzak
Sadia Shaikh
Asif Kamran
Ahad Hayat Khan
Abstract | Effective Change Management (ECM) had emerged as a new field of study. One of the most insightful attributes of organizational change efforts is their low success rate. The success rate of Change endeavors in organizations is alarming. Therefore, it is not viable to commit precious resources monetary or human capital for any change endeavor that does not bring anticipated results. Moreover, no change process can be effective if the employee’s involvement and motivation (EIM) is missing to embrace and make the change effective. The current paper highlights the factors associated with EIM and proposes a framework and an indigenous scale based on the framework proposed by Razzaq (2010) ECM model. The pilot study was conducted in the retail sector leading chain store, Canteen Store Department (CSD). Descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis are conducted to check the factor structure of the EIM construct. As hypothesized, the EIM is a composite of five underlying elements. The current paper will highlight the importance of the effectiveness of change management and the suggested new scale will be a valuable tool for managers and practitioners to focus on the factors that define employees’ involvement in ECM or identify and rectify the shortfalls in executing the organizational change process. |
Keywords | Change, Effective Change Management (ECM), Employee Involvement and Motivation (EIM), Criteria for Effective Change, Canteen Store Department (CSD) |
Year | 2019 |
Volume | 15 |
Issue | 1 |
Type | Research paper, manuscript, article |
Recognized by | Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, HEC | Category | "Y" | Journal Name | IBT Journal of Business Studies | Publisher Name | ILMA University | Jel Classification | O15, E24 | DOI | | ISSN no (E, Electronic) | 2409-6520 | ISSN no (P, Print) | 2416-8393 | Country | Pakistan | City | Karachi | Institution Type | University | Journal Type | Open Access | Type of Review | Double Blind Peer Reviewed | Format | Paper Link | | Page | 63-74 | References | Antwi, M., & Kale, M. (2014). Change Management in Healthcare. Kingston, ON: The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare, Queen’s University School of Business. Armenakis, A. A., & Bedeian, A. G. (1999). Organizational change: A review of theory and research in the 1990s. Journal of management, 25(3), 293-315. Ashfaq, F. (2011). Role of organization Measures in Effective Change management, National Research Conference (NRC-16), SZABIST, December 11, 2011 Karachi, Pakistan. Beckhard, R., & Harris, R. T. (1987). 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