Download Volume 13 Issue 1 2017 | |
Author(s): |
Muhammad Tariq
Seema Yasmin
Abstract | This study investigated the impact of Conflict Management on Employee Performance and implementing Furlong's toolbox of conflict analyzing model to find out how a conflict will be resolved easily, effectively, and improve the overall Employee’s performance. This study developed the survey research design. 200 respondents were selected from different organizations for the study. The questionnaire was used to collect primary data. The hypothesis was tested through regression analysis. The findings of the research revealed that effective management tools develop the employee’s performance in the organization. Furlong's toolbox of conflict analyzing model provides favorable outcomes in the perspectives of Trust, Behavior, Avoidance, and Emotions. The result and outcomes of my research provide a structure and importance of application of Conflict management in cooperation to find out how will minimize the clash between the employees and subordinates for the betterment of the employee’s performance. The other organizations can also get benefits from this research. |
Keywords | Conflict management, Employee’s Performance, Efficiency, Effectiveness |
Year | 2017 |
Volume | 13 |
Issue | 1 |
Type | Short Report |
Recognized by | Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, HEC | Category | "Y" | Journal Name | IBT Journal of Business Studies | Publisher Name | ILMA University | Jel Classification | M10 | DOI | | ISSN no (E, Electronic) | 2409-6520 | ISSN no (P, Print) | 2416-8393 | Country | Pakistan | City | Karachi | Institution Type | University | Journal Type | Open Access | Type of Review | Double Blind Peer Reviewed | Format | Paper Link | | Page | 45-58 | Reference | Albert, I. O. (2001). Introduction to third-part intervention in community conflicts. John
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